Tuesday, 16 September 2008

More Play With Letterforms

After I had completed the artists book (mentioned last post), I was left with plenty of off-cuts on the desk and floor. I began to work into these again, combining and recycling, photocopying onto coloured papers and then overprinting simple type elements using the inkjet. As the elements were copied again and again they became more beautiful, the 'ageing' and degrading from the copying process adding to the aesthetic. There was a real element of chance to the overprinting as I didn't know where the red lines would fall. This is the way I love to work, just playing and having the freedom to let the work happen, waiting for the stars to align.

1 comment:

Gary Spicer said...

This work is remarkebly 'in focus Gaz. is this an accident?

Beutiful etherial work